Frequently asked questions

Why am I seeing the message: No subtitles found?

The Subtitle Downloader app is using websites like and for searching/downloading the subtitles. So before contacting the developer about missing subtitles, please search for the subtitles on these 2 websites. If you can find the subtitles on the websites, but not in the app, please contact me: Click!

Why are the subtitles not showing when playing the video?

If you are playing the video on your phone, please make sure you have installed for example VLC Player ( Some video players won't show the subtitles but at least VLC definitely will. 

Why are my subtitles delayed/not in sync with my video?

Try downloading a different version of the subtitle. If there are no versions available which are in sync with the video, try to use the subtitle synchronisation feature in for example VLC or Kodi, see: Synchronise subtitles with VLC

Why does it say: Download limit reached

If you are seeing this message, this means you have reached the daily limit of subtitles. To increase the limit and prevent the error, please create your own account here: Click to register. After creation, fill in the username and password in the settings in Subtitle Downloader.

Why do I need to fill in an OpenSubtitles username? 

OpenSubtitles requires a username/password to download subtitles. The Subtitle Downloader app uses some pre-defined shared accounts but those accounts have limits (downloading a maximum of 1000 subtitles). If you are experiencing issues when trying to download from OpenSubtitles, please create an account here: Click to register. Fill in the username/password you just created in the Subtitle Downloader settings. 

Why am I not able to download subtitles to my external SD card? 

Please follow the procedure as shown in the animated video when trying to select the "External" tab. 

Why am I not able to download subtitles for my own language?

Please contact me if you need new languages to be added! If the language is available, I will add it in a next release.  

Why is my question not answered on this page?

Please contact me: Click if you cannot find an answer to the question you have...